Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Busy Week!

So today was my last day of work at the Campus Store, which was kind of bittersweet. It's been an awesome three years there; it's such a cool, laid-back working environment :) I went about work as normal, and then an hour before my shift was over, all of the managers and other employees on shift at the time came over with a big cake for me!

They also got me a card and the gold St. Mary's hoodie I had been eyeing and planning to get myself come Christmastime after I got back - although they forgot to remove the security tag, which means I'll be going back, but that's fine because I was planning to go back and visit anyway (and get myself some sweatpants ;P) after I get back in December. Regardless, it made me feel so special and loved :)

I'm going to miss working with these wonderful people, but it's time to move on to bigger and even better things. I want to thank all of them for making this the best first job I could have ever asked for - it was fun, challenging at times, rewarding, and definitely helped me to grow as a person.

Special thanks to Ray Raley for all he's done for me during our time together at the store. His being there was definitely a big part of what made the Campus Store feel like a family. Ray is like the awesome uncle, always there to tease, listen to personal problems, and give advice. I'm definitely going to miss working with this guy. We'll keep in touch, Ray Ray! :)

As for the rest of my last week before Italy, it's actually been pretty busy, but not so much to the point that I'm stressed or anything. It's a good kind of busy, getting in hangout time with friends and family, taking care of the last of my preparations, and in general getting totally psyched for studying abroad! Here's what's been on the week's agenda:

Monday was Ultimate Frisbee, Tuesday was Bible Study dinner at the Brennan's, Wednesday ..well, tonight is actually the only night I don't have anything planned, but I'll probably be hanging out with Fields later tonight, Thursday is Jaime's birthday, so I'm having dinner with the Fields fam, Friday my family is celebrating my Mom's birthday early because I'm unfortunately going to miss it,  Saturday Meghan's getting married (!!), and then Sunday it's off to the airport! Busy busy!

Since I'm not working tomorrow or Friday, my plan is to sleep in (of course, lol), and then finish packing, wrap up whatever last preparations I have for Italy, and do some final cleaning upstairs here at home because I doubt much of it will get done while I'm gone (no offense, Allison! lol).

Oh! Also forgot to mention: We finally heard back from the Air France rep, and I get to check in two bags after all, AND for less than expected! Suh-weet! Basically, we only have to pay US Airways for the second bag on the way over, and only Air France on the way back. So the total cost for the second bag is just half of what I anticipated it being last week. Score! :)

Four more days!
I'm so excited! 

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