Wednesday, September 08, 2010


'Ciao!' & 'Grazie' are pretty much the extent of my Italian so far. The class is supposed to start on Monday (I think, maybe not the Italian class specifically per se, but some sort of class type activity.. they haven't completely worked out the schedule yet), so we'll see what happens. It'll be cool to be able to overcome at least a little bit of the language barrier and interact with the Italians :)

It is currently Day 3 in Alba, 10:57am on Sept 8 (Happy Birthday, Mom!!), we're six hours ahead of the US East coast over here. It's only the third day and to me, it already feels like we've been here longer than that. Today I managed to walk from the Campus Center to our apartment without looking at the map at all, so that was a small, but proud accomplishment :P Tonight we dine with local Italian high schoolers/early college kids, so that should be pretty fun.

I have so much I want to write about and update on, but I don't have the time to just yet. This week is super busy with orientation stuff, so they have activities/meetings/meals planned for all 21 of us for pretty much the rest of the week. When I have some free time, I definitely want to take the time to write out a long blog about my first experiences here, our apartment, and some other cool things about being in Italia :D For now, though, the housemates & I have to discuss & fill out some roommate agreements, apartment check-in forms, and then I'd really like a nap before dinnertime.

Until next time, Ciao ciao! :)

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