Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Picture Post: La Cittá di Alba

This is the map of Alba they gave us. It served as my best friend all last week and still accompanies me everywhere I go, just in case. As you can see, the city of Alba is pretty much one big circle. All the inner streets that we wander about are cobblestone, while along the outside perimeter you'll see more actual roads, painted lanes, and roundabouts. The cars here are just as crazy on the roads as they are on cobblestone. It's pretty ridiculous and rather nervewracking.
Here are some pictures I took around Alba from the guided tour we took last Tues (Sept 8), which mostly consisted of several old churches, and from our own individual exploring that we did this past Sunday because we had a free day :)

Piazza Duomo (the plaza in front of the cathedral)

Inside the Duomo, where a few of us went to church this past Sunday
Side chapel of the Duomo
Ceiling of the side chapel
Inside another smaller church. Most of that back wall is just painted on to look real and give perspective.. Can you tell?
Front view from the boys' apartment
Back view from the kitchen terrace of the boys' apartment
There are a lot of clock towers around Alba. They chime all the time, and not in sync either, but I've already grown used to them. They're actually somewhat comforting :)
Cinema just a block or two over from our apartment.. gonna have to check it out sometime, try to use it as a resource for learning Italian :P
The archway decor is another painting made to look real. These are so neat!
Pizzeria La Duchessa, my favorite restaurant so far :)
I believe that's the Ferrero factory in the distance, where the yummy chocolatey smells keep coming from.. :)
On the road that we take every day to the Campus Center (I believe it's called Via Paruzza but am too lazy to double check right now)
St. Mary's College of Maryland in Alba - this is our Campus Center, the building that all of our classes and meetings are in
Another experimental macro shot of a hanging plant :)
Cobblestone - definitely not my feet's best friend, but certainly characteristic of Italy (maybe Europe in general? I still have yet to find out)
Our street, Via Mazzini
Of course, nothing compares to actually being here, but maybe now you have a slightly better idea of the place that I am blessed to call home for the next three months. :)

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