Saturday, August 28, 2010

Packing Progress.

Still no word from my travel agent or the Air France rep, since the travel agency is closed on weekends. Juuust peachy.

So, despite all my despairing of yesternight, I decided to tackle the packing challenge again. This is what my room looked like in the midst of my attempts:

Basically, all the suitcases threw up everything all over my floor. The one empty space in the middle is where I sat to try to sort through things. My desk chair holds the if-there's-room-(which there isn't)-pile.

Hours later, guess what? I did it! I managed to pare and condense everything to where I was able to make everything fit into the one large suitcase and carry-on.

I was quite impressed, amazed, and proud of myself. I even was able to close the expandable zipper part of the larger luggage!
So, one part of the challenge accomplished. Now, the tough & tricky part: meeting the weight limits.

Check-in limit: 50 lbs
Carry-on & personal item combined limit: 26.5 lbs

US Airways actually has the limit for the carry-on stuff set at 40 lbs, but Air France is stupid and has the limit set at nearly half as much, even though the size limits are pretty much the same. Apparently Craig has been through Paris before though, and said they didn't check the weight limit. Like his mom said though, I don't wanna make that assumption and then later on be forced to check-in my carry on b/c it's too heavy or something. That would be super uncool.

The latest weight measurements I got so far are around 52.2 lbs for the check-in bag (initially 55, which I still considered not bad.. I was expecting like 70, haha), 24.2 lbs for my carry-on, and roughly 15 for my laptop bag. I've done a little more adjusting since, but not enough. I may leave this for another day, and simply rest on my accomplishment of actually being able to fit everything inside the bags. If, come Monday or Tuesday we find out that we can pay for and through-check another bag during online check-in, I may still choose that option to avoid cutting out even more stuff and overweight fees.

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