Sunday, August 08, 2010

Day 26 — Your week, in great detail

Well, I've already blogged fairly frequently this week, so I don't see a need to reiterate the week's events in great detail.

The excitement of the past week consisted of perfect weather, chilly ocean waves, and scalding hot tubs in Virginia Beach over the weekend, an epically fun game of Ultimate on Thursday, and being on the same wavelength as my buddie Kirsten during our movie night on Friday. "Dude, I was just about to say the same thing!" (Repeat like 6 times. :P)

This coming week may be fairly busy:

Today (Sunday) I have to meet with Uncle Rhoel and another Fil-Am Auntie to discuss the website since I'll be abroad in the fall, so it'd really be more practical to have somebody else manage it who's in the area and actually more involved with the organization, you know?
Monday I'm going shopping with Kirsten and Jessica after work and taking my sis to her ortho appt. I think the objective is to find cute sundresses, but I usually just browse and see what catches my eye and see if the price agrees with me. I'm looking to find some simple, cute stuff to wear in Italy (since apparently the Italians are more fashionable.. eep!). Will need to try to keep myself to a budget though.
Tuesday night, as per usual, is Bible Study.
Wednesday I believe the plan is to get our work crew from when Laura was working at the store together for a dinner gathering at Olive Garden. The time hasn't been set, soo we'll see if this actually happens.
Thursday, if the regular schedule persists, should be another awesome game of Ultimate Frisbee :)
Friday my man comes home from travel, so I'll prolly hang out with him in the morning/afternoon (taking advantage of the neighborhood pool perhaps?), and then that evening is Kirsten's birthday party! Always a good time :) Note to self: Wrap Kirsten and Ashley's birthday presents at some point this week.
Saturday entails a wedding! I don't actually know the couple, I'm just accompanying Fields, but I love weddings. So much happiness to go around :)

I may also try to find time between all of those activities to start packing for Italy this week. 4 more weeks!

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