Thursday, August 05, 2010

Ultimate High.

So you know that feeling you get, that rush right after you've had an absolute blast with good friends and still have a bunch of energy and laughter left over and you're just enveloped by joy and smiles? Yeah, I got to experience that today :)

We play Ultimate Frisbee pretty much every week during the summer, and it's great, because it's pretty chill, we're not strict on rules, just out to have a great time. We were scheduled today to play at 6pm, but a glance at the weather earlier today revealed a Heat Advisory and Severe Thunderstorm Watch or something like that. I went out anyway, because I know we play rain or shine. Around 545pm, the water is pouring down, practically torrential. It's coming down so hard that I've got my wipers on the third setting, where they're whipping so fast across the windshield you'd almost think they were ready to have a seizure. Even so, the water was still coming down way too fast for that to be of any use, so I pulled into the LBC church parking lot for refuge to wait it out.

I was there all of 5 minutes, just listening to the new CD I bought (Jonas L.A. Soundtrack... I know, I know, but what can I say? I'm a total Disney Channel dork :] ) and watching the water flow outside my windows. Then this bright spot of light breaks through the clouds to my left, seemingly shining down right on me.

Then, ironically enough, the song playing on the CD starts saying
I've been saving my love for a rainy day, oh yeah
And I've been looking for a twist of fate

Then out of the blue, you came

You shine a little light on a cloudy day
Baby, you could make
A broken heart go away
I'm not gonna lie
This feeling inside, I can't explain
I'm gonna blame it on the summer rain
It was pretty much perfect, and a really cool moment. The spot got brighter and bigger as the rain started to let up, and it was strangely comforting considering I was in a church parking lot and had been saying little prayers asking God to keep me safe. :)

So I made my way out of the parking lot with the sun now shining brightly through the clouds. I reached the frisbee field, and it was still raining, but there were already like three other guys there tossing the disc around, and two more came not long after me. Since there were only a few of us, we couldn't play a full game with a full field and two end zones, so we played the version with the square end zone in the middle. Of course they had to put the square smack dab in the middle of the biggest puddle on the field, haha. It was very wet and squishy and splashy and awesome. I played with my cleats for a bit, but gave up after awhile and just played barefoot, which wasn't bad at all. We all had a great time running, splashing, and slipping and sliding in the water like little kids :P

Then three more people came, and we were able to play a full game with 5 vs. 4 people. Everybody was in good spirits, the teams were pretty balanced, and it was a fantastic game. I dropped quite a few, but overall I thought I did pretty well. There was one where Tenney was all the way across the field, and I ran to our end zone and called to him, waving my arms like a madwoman for the disc. I didn't think he'd actually do it; I was half-joking, and I kind of figured I could be a bit of a distraction to the other guys on the defensive team. He threw it, beautifully, straight across the entire length of the field, and I was like, "Oh snap, you really did it!" so I ran and caught it perfectly! It was awesome. We ended the game by playing to three, and that was the first of our three points. We "won" in the end, although of course we hadn't really been keeping score the whole time.

All in all, it was such a great time, and I had a lot of fun. We finished up just as the clouds were getting dark again, so we headed home pretty soon after. I was slightly worried another torrential downpour might start up while I was driving home, although it's not like I would get wet or anything since I park in our garage. Either way, the clouds were nice enough to wait to break loose til I was home with my car parked safely in the garage. I got out of my car and started unlacing my cleats so they could dry out in the garage, and I opened the door leading outside to wring some water out of my socks, when it started pouring. I was like Wow, perfect timing! God kept me safe and got me home without any problems.

Basically, today was awesome, and God is awesome. :)

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