Friday, August 06, 2010

Knockout Naps.

I love naps. I love sleep in general. :)

But I need to stop taking knockout naps, haha. I lay down for a bit of a nap, and I pass out. Then I don't wake up until like two hours later, at which point it feels like I've slept too much; my contacts are stuck to my eyes if I slept with them in, and blinking rapidly to try to put them back in place only produces more blurriness; my hair's all fluffed up around the top and kinda matted on the side or in the back, and sometimes, if I got into a really really deep sleep, my joints will be stiff from sleeping in one position the entire time. Then I walk around in a too-rested stupor for a good half hour to an hour after waking up, stumbling around like a half-conscious zombie.

It's no good. It may damper my ability to fall asleep later at night. Buuut it's not going to stop me from taking more naps in the future. They're just too irresistible. :P I mean, come on, everyone knows how hard it is to not succumb to sleepiness, right?

Lol, I wanted a nap picture to go with this blog, and this is what I came across. I love Garfield. :)

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