Saturday, August 28, 2010

Inception & More on Packing.

Today we finally saw Inception! With all the hype that I've heard about it, I was not disappointed. I really liked it, while my family and Fields were more kind of like, eh. My sister attributed it to my math-yness, which I guess could be kind of true, it may have helped me follow the plot through all the layers and steps and such. Even though it was a two and a half hour long movie, I was entertained the whole time; it definitely kept me on the edge of my seat! The story was engaging, enthralling, and definitely original. I've decided that I like the paradoxical movies that really make you think and keep you on the edge of your seat, so long as it doesn't leave loose ends, so the storyline is wrapped up nicely and I'm not left wondering, Well, what about this? What happened there? Why did it go about like this and not like that? I hate when movies do that. But anyhow, basic point: I thought Inception was epically awesome, and I totally wanna watch it again to see anything I might've missed this first time :)

Update on the packing situation.. well, it's not really going all that well. We still haven't gotten a reply from the Air France rep to confirm that we can pay for a second bag in advance, through online check-in, which would then let us check it all the way through from BWI to Turin, according to the inter-airline baggage agreement between US Airways and Air France, since it'd be paid for. Since we don't have confirmation yet, my plan was to try to pack everything into one larger suitcase and a bigger carry-on, right? That way I wouldn't have to pay the baggage fees on the way over, but if I needed an extra bag on the way back, I'd only have to pay them one way.

That was the challenge, and I was actually feeling some ambitious determination about it. I was ready to take on the challenge and even be impressed with myself if I could actually do it. So, I tried today, took out some clothes and such that I figured I could do without, started moving them into the one bigger suitcase... Man, did that space fill up fast. I found that I was able to get all the clothes into the bags, but my shoes, toiletries, and hair appliances? No such luck.  It's definitely the shoes that makes it super tough.. there's just no space for them!

I admit defeat. I need a second bag. I can't keep cutting stuff out and just buy everything in Italy, I've already made so many expenses in trying to get ready. My plans were to have practically everything I'd need to sustain myself in Italy so that my expenses would mainly consist of food outside of the provided meals, souvenirs, and laundry detergent and softener. So if I could have the two bags like I originally had planned and set stuff aside for, that would be fan-freaking-tastic.

I could definitely pack for like, one entire month in a single suitcase, no problem. But three and a half? I wish, but it's just not realistic. :( Especially with needing different clothes for different seasons and all that. I'm sure glad I'm not going during the Spring semester, cuz then I'd definitely need more cold weather clothing, and there's certainly not room for all that.

So I know I'm being repetitive, but this is just so not cool. I'm trying to keep my stress levels low, but it's definitely been fluctuating today. I just need to know that I have the option of bringing a second bag, despite the cost.

Seriously, Air France dude, how long does it take to respond to an email and confirm a policy that's listed on your website?!?? 

Sigh. I guess I will just have to see what tomorrow (well, today since it is almost 1am) brings. 

8 more days.

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