Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)

Songs don't typically make me cry. They're only on average like 3 or 4 minutes long, and most of the time they're just playing in the background as I go about my day. The only times I will cry as a result of a song is if the lyrics really relate to some hardship that I am currently going through at that point of time in my life. That's not too too often, I'm glad to say.

Books and movies now, though, I am far more likely to cry for. Movies last two hours, books usually even longer (probably a week at least for me). This gives me time to get attached to the characters, relate to their situations, and feel for them if something bad happens. The book I've cried hardest upon finishing it was My Sister's Keeper. The movie definitely did not do it any justice at all; I mean, I cried at the end of the movie, but I was outright bawling when I finished the book.

The movie I've cried hardest during was definitely The Passion of Christ. I don't cry when I read about Jesus' crucifixion in the bible, though.. this isn't to say that the movie was better than the book in this case, you can't really compare the Bible to any movie because duh, it's God's word and that surpasses anything earthly of course. But I don't know, somehow seeing the events play out on the screen made the story more.. not necessarily more real, but more tangible, to me. I've more thoughts on this subject, but that's really all I've got to say about that for now.

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