Sunday, December 09, 2007


11pm & i'm just about to head to bed to catch some shuteye before i take two of my finals tomorrow. i sure hope i'm prepared enough! my studying kind of diminished as i got to the end & my brain cells decided they were exhausted or something.

anyway, i kept thinking all day & really just for a while now of a bunch of stuff that i want/need to do, so i thought i could put up a list in here :]

wants/goals for winter break:
  • clean room
  • rearrange room
  • reorganize my corkboard
  • clean bathroom
  • paint my school tote bag
  • get in some leisurely reading
  • establish some sort of exercise routine (DDR!? :P)
wants/goals for life in general:
  • read the whole Bible
  • strengthen my faith
  • take up piano again
  • feel genuinely good about my life & myself :]
yep yep. i feel like there was more than that, but i can't think of anymore right now. anyway, i'm pretty excited still about the semester being over & winter break & potentially more hangout time & all that jazz. also, i am uber excited about my christmas present that i am just so anxious to use alreadyyy. i've got some like, picture ideas in my head, and it makes me feel artistic again, only this time i'm not all emo over some guy who broke up with me, aha. sony cybershot dsc-w80. woo, what a delight x]

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