Sunday, December 09, 2007

night owl much?

My mom's right, staying up this late can't be good for me, haha.
So it's one in the morning, & I find myself actually not all that sleepy, but I have six and a half hours to sleep until I ought to get up & shower & prep myself for church. So even though I'm not particularly sleepy, hopefully my body is tired enough to pass out once I fall into bed. :P

Update on my life's events:
last night (Friday) I participated in an amazingly fun game of floor hockey, without hardly any particular rules. What a blast. xD The people I know are pretty awesome :]
that game has left me sore, but it was well worth it. Exercise AND tons of fun, woo!
I'm wondering if maybe during Christmas break I can get in some sort of established routine with DDR.. that could be beneficial to my health, seeing as I have been for all my life, physically unfit, as far as I can tell. xD

So this upcoming week is going to be pretty busy, but I'm looking forward to it - not so much the taking-final-exams part, but I think I'll be ready for them. (I hope so, anyway). I've been progressively studying through this last week, & I'll be doing some more tomorrow & most likely the next couple days after. Wednesday brings a conclusion to the final exams, as well as the semester. Yay for a successful first college semester! Well, I suppose I should wait to say that once I finish with the exams & get my grades & all. But I feel that thus far my college experience has been.. fruitful? (That sounds like a good word to use but doesn't quite feel right, haha.)
Anyway, what I mean is, it's been fun. Crazy busy, emotionally-driven (not really directly related to school, but hey, it's my life), but pretty fun all the same. My classes weren't atrocious, I've met pretty cool people at work & I do generally enjoy my job, so yeah, all in all, good semester experience in my book. Especially since I haven't gotten into that whole college party/drinking scene. Gotta say, I love being straightedge. & I'm uber glad that my friends are, too, & that I can still see them around & hang out from time to time since we're all still in the county.

Alright, alright.
Sore floor hockey fun,
[oh yeah, side note. part of my first ever floor hockey experience was sliding to the ground thanks to gravity and quite an impact. so this guy josh & i were on opposing teams, so logically, we were going in opposite directions. both of us are after the ball (serving as a hockey puck), running towards each other, hockey sticks out to thwack the ball. so in this process of running, we ram right into each other, and well, he's bigger than i am, & i remember feeling myself ram into his shoulder, and then i think i spun around & steadily lowered myself to the ground, legs flailing. i landed on my butt, legs spread out, facing the opposite direction and feeling quite dazed. i could feel my eyes water and it felt like the wind was knocked out of me, but i was quite amused all the same. my head felt like stuff had been rattled inside, like it was vibrating or something, but really, i was fine, just a little shook up is all. good times. :P]

okay, so again, trying to wrap this up:
sore floor hockey fun,
impending final exams & satisfactory semester completion,
bible study this week,
a plan to camwhore with kirsten on thursday,
followed by shopping with jessica & kirsten's christmas party on friday.
what fun, what funnn. i'm excited for winter break to commence! :]

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