Saturday, December 01, 2007


we live and we learn
to take one step at a time,
there's no need to rush.
it's like learning to fly,
or falling in love.
it's gonna happen when it's supposed to happen
that we find the reasons why
one step at a time.
- "One Step at a Time" by Jordin Sparks

Routine is nice, it's stable.
but I think I'm ready for a change.
Even in just little things:
new hairstyle,
new room arrangement,
I've been planning those two for a while but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Sometimes my life feels really boring, but I know I'm really lucky to have it.
All of the people and things that I know and love make my life pretty wonderful.
I don't know if you can call it selfish, but I think I'm still waiting for something more.
I'm waiting for that something amazing, some life-defining.. thing that'll just make whatever crap I've been through in the past feel worthwhile to get at that meaningful point in my life.
I want to find my happily ever after, figure out what exactly I'm going to do with my life, and be satisfied with it.
I think it'd be really cool to be famous, perform or something, buuut.. I think I sort of lack in that talent department. Yeah, there's definitely downs to being famous, lack of privacy, rumors, crazed fans, but I dunno.. definitely seems like an amazing experience so long as you keep your head on right and don't get into all that bad stuff.
Anyway, it seems God has something smaller planned for me, I just don't know what yet. I'm eager to find out, though. Until I do, I'll just keep trying my best in school, and try to improve myself however I see fit.

So yup, right now, I've got some studying to do. I have this last upcoming week of normal classes left, and then the Monday thru Wednesday after that are final exams (wish me luck! :]). I think residences officially close for winter break on the 14th, so I'll probably still be working til then. I've been asked if I want to work some days over break, and sure, it'd be cool to have some extra money, but I do like my sleep-and-lounging-about-doing-nothing-in-particular time, so we'll see about that. :P

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