Saturday, December 01, 2007


so i made this blogger thing last night, & i'm not 100% sure on what compelled me to do so.
honestly, i was bored, watching jonas brothers videos on youtube, & eventually ended up on their bassist greg garbo's blog, & iono, it just looked really fun :]

i mean i've had journals and xanga before, but i look back, & all that really was was teen angst. sure, there's still quite a bit of it around, but i'm trying to grow up. i'll always be a kid at heart (life's a bit more fun that way) but i think i can still be a kid while being a sensible person as well. ..not really sure if that's the right word to use, but i have the idea in my head of what i mean.

i'm starting this blog for myself.
no doubt i'll probably share this with my friends and whatnot eventually, but for now, i think i'll keep it to myself.
i want to set myself on a start to being more optimistic, learning to really appreciate my life & all i've been blessed with, and just.. iono, enjoying what i've got.
i'm a normal kid, nothing all too special (then again, we're all special in our own ways, right? i think i learned that from Barney the purple dinosaur as a youngen :P).
i'd love to be able to just naturally come up with something witty or profound to stick in here for the amusement of others as well as myself, to get some attention (hey, i'm human, hah) but yeah. i dunno. my objective right now is to strengthen my faith and appreciate what i've got.

time to get started :]

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