Thursday, October 07, 2010

Week 5 Weekend Plans

So there hasn't really been much excitement since Sunday's medieval festivities, but that's okay. Today's Thursday, class is over, so that means it's the weekend already! :]

Plans for this weekend include... *drumroll, please*...

Florence, Pisa, & Tuscany!

I'm going with my friend Chelsea, and it should be a pretty fabulous time. She found us a good youth hostel that was in her student travel guide - it's reasonably priced & comes with quite a bit: free breakfast, free wifi (there's a computer in every room!), free walking tours.. pretty neat-o, i'd say. We've also booked a room that is for girls only, so we get to avoid any potentially creepy guys who like to stare or flirt when it's unwelcome, haha.

We arrive early Friday morning, and then the day will be spent exploring Florence, aka Firenze. Saturday we're hitting up Pisa, and then Sunday is possibly going to be spent gallivanting in the Tuscany area. Those plans are rough, they'll form themselves better as we go along. :P

We leave in roughly 4 hours & 20 minutes... so excited! Updates on this next adventure will come Monday or Tuesday, ideally :D

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