Monday, October 11, 2010


Another summer day
has come & gone away
in Paris & Rome,

but I wanna go home..
May be surrounded by a million people, I
still feel all alone.

I just wanna go home.
Oh I miss you, you know.

Another aeroplane,
another sunny place,
I'm lucky I know,
but I wanna go home..

"Home" - Michael Buble
So my weekend with Chelsea in Florence and Pisa was, in short, amazing. We had a lot of fun, were blessed with gorgeous weather, and made it back to Alba safe and sound. More details and pictures on the weekend to follow; this blog post has a different purpose.

Some crap happened recently that really just made me miss home. I was reminded of how differently I live my life compared to some of the other students that are on this trip. Everyone seems like a good kid, but we all definitely have different viewpoints when it comes to drinking and sex and whatnot. To each their own, I guess, but I'm proud of the way I live my life - you can call me a goody-goody or whatever, and that's perfectly fine. It's true; that's what I am and I have absolutely no problem with it. I don't need alcohol or sex or any real crazyness like that to have fun.

I still generally like all of the people that are on this trip with me, don't get me wrong; I guess I was just reminded of how different I am and it made me feel kind of isolated and lonely. I miss being around all of my friends back home who have the same idea of what having a good time is as I do.

I still love being in Italy, no doubt about that at all. I appreciate everything there is to see and experience here, but at the same time I've acquired an even greater appreciation for my life back home - I love my Mom & Dad for the way they've raised my sister and me; I love my boyfriend and best friends for having the same morals and general outlooks on life; I love my little sister for being the goof and good kid that she is and always looking up to me even though I give her a hard time sometimes; I love God for all that He has blessed me with. Basically, as amazing as my time in Italy has been and likely will be for the next couple of months, when it comes time to go home I will definitely be good and ready to get back to my normal, comfortable, and simple (probably boring in some peoples' eyes) life back home. :)

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