Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 25 — Your day, in great detail

Welp, today wasn't anything exceptional, but I feel like blogging. :)

Today's Thursday, July 29, and I had no work, so I got to sleep in. I slept til about 940am, got up and made myself a yummy breakfast of hot dogs, eggs, and rice (kinda typical Filipino breakfast :P). I ate said breakfast in front of the tube watching America's Next Top Model. I watched two or three and a half episodes of Cycle 5 yesterday on Oxygen, and there was only another episode and a half left until the finale, but I had to leave for Ultimate Frisbee, so I recorded it. The show's kind of addicting, I have to admit, haha.

After breakfast, I spent a bit of time on my laptop, checking my typical email and Facebook. Took a shower, and then spent a good amount of time deciding what to pack for my weekend trip to Virginia Beach. I've never been to Virginia Beach before, and I'm going with my boyfriend and a couple of our friends, so hopefully it'll be a good, relaxing time :) I checked the weather, and it looks like it's going to rain on Sunday (just 40% chance tho), and it's raining now, which is unfortunate, but okay b/c we're leaving Sunday and I think tomorrow and Saturday will be okay.

After getting pretty much all of my packing done, my sister and I headed out. First stop was the dry cleaner's to pick up some of Fields' stuff for him because he had a crazy amount of stuff to do for work before our weekend trip because of the travel for work he's got coming up (I'm not even sure if he's home yet, and it's half past eight! Ridiculous.). After that we stopped by Kohl's because I thought Mom had said they had backpacks there and my sis has been looking for a new one, but we didn't see any there. So we trotted off to the clothes section instead, where we ran into my math buddy Katie (Of course we would run into each other at Kohl's, we both love that store and actually went there on our last day of classes, haha), so that was pretty cool to catch up with her for a bit :) I got myself two new shirts, one to match a brown skirt I have that needed a solid top, and this other shirt that I just found hilarious:

Lol, I love it. :P

It looks like the same design style as this other shirt I saw at JCPenney a long while ago that I really wanted, but I didn't see any other sizes that would fit me :( I got a picture of that one on my phone too, though, so I can at least still view it for my own amusement :P

After Kohl's, we headed for the library, which was my sister's reason for even coming out with me in the first place, haha. Three movies that she had put on hold came in, so we picked those up. She's on a Miyazaki fix right now, so she got Princess Mononoke and The Cat Returns, as well as The Girl Who Leapt Through Time from the creators of Digimon (I think that's what she told me). I hadn't seen The Girl Who Leapt Through Time before, but I'd heard of it (still can't remember where), so we watched that in our basement after we got home. I really liked it! It was funny and quirky and cute, although the ending to me left more to be desired. It wasn't an unhappy ending, but I always like my romantic happily ever after type endings, haha. Basically, he should have kissed her and then stuck around. I even painted a picture in my head of what my preferred ending should have looked like and described it all out to my sister, who seemed quite amused by my ranting and raving. All in all, though, it was a really enjoyable movie with relatable characters and beautiful imagery, and I'd definitely recommend seeing it, especially if you're into anime :)


After the movie, my sister and I came upstairs and went into our separate bedrooms, and I've pretty much just been chilling on my computer since. The plan for the rest of the night I guess is to chill on the World Wide Web for a bit longer, check and make sure I've packed everything I need for the weekend, watch some tv or another movie, and then read some of my bible before heading to sleep.

Like I said, today wasn't exceptional, but it wasn't a bad day by any means. It's been pretty enjoyable :)

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