Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Days 20-23

I'm kind of tired of dragging out this 30-day blog thing, so here's a four-in-one! :)

Day 20 — A hobby of yours
In my spare time, I obviously spend quite a bit of time on the internet. Facebook is checked quite regularly, I'll admit, but more often than not it's more of a distraction from something I'm supposed to be doing rather than something I just lounge on all day and night long. Nah, my time on the internet is often spent watching videos on YouTube or something of the like - it's kind of ridiculous how quickly time passes when watching video after video after random video. I also watch episodes of Supernatural (other shows too, if I want to catch up, but right now I'm on Supernatural :] ).

Other hobbies? I've been a bookworm ever since I was a kid. Heck, reading Nancy Drew by flashlight in the third grade is the reason I have glasses, I'm pretty sure. While I don't read as often as I used to, I still enjoy it just as much, and if I find a really good book/series, I can still probably finish one book in a few days to a week. There's just something about getting lost in another world with awesome characters that is so engrossing :)

Day 21 — A recipe
Step 1: Take a box of your favorite cereal from the pantry.
Step 2: Pour some into a bowl.
Step 3: Add milk.
Step 4: Enjoy. They're grrrrreat! :P

I was going to try my hand at learning to cook this summer, but it's just been so much busier than I anticipated :( I do know how to make some things, like shrimp alfredo & breakfast burritos, but it doesn't stretch much further than that.

Day 22 — A website
Wong Fu Productions. These guys are genius! I always love their videos. Most of them are funny, but there are also some touching ones and awesome music videos mixed in, too. They're creative, cute, and clever. Check them out! :)

Day 23 — A YouTube video
A cute face and a random decisive click on YouTube led me to this music video, which I find fairly adorable :) ["Superman" - Joe Brooks]

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