Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble gobble.

Happy Thanksgiving! :) 

So it doesn't really feel like Thanksgiving to any of us here since the Italians don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but that doesn't mean I can't give my thanks anyway, because I know I don't do it enough.

I'm thankful for: 

  1. God, and my relationship with Him. It's still in kind of the beginning stages, and there are still a lot of things I'm unsure of, but if there's one thing I've learned, it's that God is always going to be there for me, no matter what, because His love is unconditional - He did, after all, send His son to die for our sins, even though we've done nothing to deserve it - and that's definitely something to be grateful for.
  2. My family. I miss them so much, I'm pretty bummed I'm missing out on Thanksgiving dinner with them, but I'm super stoked to come home in 3 weeks! I love that my parents can be silly, that they're so full of youth and energy, and that they've done such an amazing job raising me and my sister. I love my sister and the fact that she's the one person that I can be my absolute silliest and goofiest with, because she looks up to me and I know she won't think I'm crazy (at least not too much). I'm thankful for all of them being the great people they are and how they've been huge influences in shaping me to be the person I am today.
  3. My boyfriend. If anyone had told me after my last relationship that I would find the guy that would be my match pretty soon after, I probably would have scoffed, because I had every intention of just staying single and enjoying life one day at a time, unhindered by the drama that I'd grown to associate with boys and dating. So it definitely was a pleasant and unexpected surprise when I started liking this certain blue-eyed gentleman.. It's been almost 3 years now since we first started talking, and I'm fortunate to say that he's been the most amazing guy to me. He might not be a total romantic sap like me, or like to take tons of pictures to record memories, or have the same interests in books or food or movies or anything like that.. but he is a sweetheart & we're compatible where it matters. This guy has done so much to help me grow as a person, he does his best to help me on my walk with God, and basically, what I appreciate most about him is that we can and do talk about anything together - I'm thankful for that honesty and openness. I have no qualms about entrusting him with my heart; I'm thankful to God for bringing him into my life & for everything he means to me.
  4. My LC Girls. When I think of high school, I think of these girls. Not the teachers, assignments, crowded hallways, crummy food, or the general immaturity of teenagers, but the amazing times I had hanging out with these girls. I'm thankful that no matter how much time we spend apart due to our busy lives, it's like nothing's changed when we do see each other again and we still have an absolute blast just being silly together. Even though we don't get to hang out as often any more, they are still my very best friends, and I'm so glad that I can confidently say that we really will be friends for life.
  5. This amazing study abroad experience in Italy. I'm so lucky that I've been able to see another gorgeous part of the world that I had never seen before, and I'm really thankful for all that this semester has been so far. I'm thankful for the adventures I've had being touristy, the experiences I've had (that don't necessarily need to be repeated) thanks to my crazy (but cool) new friends Lilian & Chelsea, and that everyone in this program is pretty chill with each other and we have fun hanging out together. 
  6. Hot water, sleeping cozy and comfy in a warm bed, sunshine and clear blue skies. Yeah, these are just a few luxuries that I've realized I definitely take for granted. It's the little things in life, right?
  7. Basically, my whole life. It may have taken me a while to fully realize and appreciate it, but I know that I've been so very blessed. I feel so lucky and thankful to have all that I do in my life, and I'm glad to say that I'm happy with where I am, with the person I've become, and I'm eager to see what else God has in store for me in the future.

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