Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 04 — Your favorite book

Hmm... again, I have no top favorite. I do love leisurely reading though, but I haven't had time to read for fun what with being so busy with school and all. :( Hopefully that'll change soon since the semester is wrapping up :) So even though I don't have a fave, I do have general categories of books that I enjoy. They're all within the Fiction section; Nonfiction tends to bore me, although I might start reading some religious/philosophical stuff like C.S. Lewis, but that's related to something personal that I'm working on for me, so for reading just for fun, I generally stay within these genres:
  • Romance (not trashy novels, sweet stories like Nicholas Sparks' books)
  • Fantasy/Mythology (I like magicz! Harry Potter, the Eragon series)
  • Adventure/Suspense (books by Dan Brown)
Sooo yeah. I will share this one book, though. I wouldn't call it a favorite because it's so hard to pick a favorite book when there are just SO many stories out there and many of them are wonderful in their own ways, but this is one story that I don't think I will ever get tired of. It's called Paris: Alex and Dana and it's a book that I read in high school, pretty short paperback, meant for young adults, so I guess it's kind of cheesy, but I think the story is just so sweet and romantic and it's like the cutest thing ever. I can read it in one sitting (mainly because I can't put it down, probably takes me a couple hours?), and it leaves me grinning from ear to ear when I'm done :) 

Go check it out if you have time and need a smile. <3

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