Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Losing focus;
Silence; Quiet;

...What's going on?


Where are we headed?
What's the plan?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 05 — Your favorite quote

...Yeahh, I got nothin'.

I'm one of those people who doesn't really keep track of the more philosophical/life-applicable quotes out there.. I like ones that I hear every now and then, but then it's out of my mind again soon enough. I'm just working on learning how to live my life the way I'm supposed to and the way God intended for me, and I haven't yet found a specific quote, or Bible verse, that wraps that up perfectly.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 04 — Your favorite book

Hmm... again, I have no top favorite. I do love leisurely reading though, but I haven't had time to read for fun what with being so busy with school and all. :( Hopefully that'll change soon since the semester is wrapping up :) So even though I don't have a fave, I do have general categories of books that I enjoy. They're all within the Fiction section; Nonfiction tends to bore me, although I might start reading some religious/philosophical stuff like C.S. Lewis, but that's related to something personal that I'm working on for me, so for reading just for fun, I generally stay within these genres:
  • Romance (not trashy novels, sweet stories like Nicholas Sparks' books)
  • Fantasy/Mythology (I like magicz! Harry Potter, the Eragon series)
  • Adventure/Suspense (books by Dan Brown)
Sooo yeah. I will share this one book, though. I wouldn't call it a favorite because it's so hard to pick a favorite book when there are just SO many stories out there and many of them are wonderful in their own ways, but this is one story that I don't think I will ever get tired of. It's called Paris: Alex and Dana and it's a book that I read in high school, pretty short paperback, meant for young adults, so I guess it's kind of cheesy, but I think the story is just so sweet and romantic and it's like the cutest thing ever. I can read it in one sitting (mainly because I can't put it down, probably takes me a couple hours?), and it leaves me grinning from ear to ear when I'm done :) 

Go check it out if you have time and need a smile. <3

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 03 — Your favorite television program

Hands down :D
(This is one of the very few categories that I actually have a top fave for :D)

My favorite is Artiiiiiie <3 Kevin Mchale (the actor playing him) has an amazing voice and is actually an amazing dancer ("That Girl" - NLT)! I love Artie and Tina together, and in general I love everything about the show.. the music (everyone is so talented!), the character personalities, and their relationships and storylines. I find it impossible not to get sucked in and feel all gleeful (of course!) when I watch the show :) 

My name is Angela, and I'm quite proud to call myself a gLeek. ;]

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 02 - Your favorite movie

I am such a sucker for romantic comedies. I love to laugh, and I love love. Romantic comedies get me both, so what's not to love? Cheesy, sappy, corny, sweet & adorable - bring it on. :) I'm not talking like old school fairy tale romances like Pride & Prejudice, Ever After, princesses & all that (although those aren't bad either), but my favorites are the simple, cute, & I guess more modern romances out there (that are slightly more realistic in this day & age).

[On a related note to old school romance being kind of unrealistic in today's modern world, check out Wong Fu's Technology Ruins Romance series - totally hilarious. My fave of those three shorts is the one with the military guy, it's called "War Torn".]

My favorites vary every now & then, but I think my top faves for a while have been
  • How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
  • 27 Dresses
  • Hitch
  • The Proposal
These will get me laughing every time I watch them, swooning when I put myself in the shoes of the main female character, and I probably know most of the lines by heart.

<3   :]

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 01 — Your favorite song

Gosh, it's so hard to pick a favorite of anything though! I have a lot of likes and loves, but I don't think I have very many ultimate favorites in my life. I periodically go through times where I'll listen to a certain song or two over and over again on repeat, so I guess I have temporary favorites. Right now is one of those times I don't have a top fave, but I found a song I fell in love with yesterday, so I'll share that one :)

In all honesty, I think Lights is one of the artists that I really never get tired of listening to. Her songs just exude joy and bubblyness, and it's wonderful :] I was relistening to her CD again yesterday and decided to go get some of the tracks from her older EPs that weren't put on the album. This is the one that I think is just so sweet <3

What you've given me is more than I can say
Cause I don't know the words to thank you properly.
You pulled me from the grave and stood me on a hill
and when I was afraid, you made me still.  

For the love you bring, owe ya everything,
For the breath you give, you're my cause to live,
For everything under the sun;
I owe you one.

Chaos all around; explosions and fire.
You took me off the ground and lifted me higher.
When trouble knew my name - 
That was before you..
Now I'll never be the same now that I know you.
For the love you bring, owe ya everything,
For the breath you give, you're my cause to live,
For the love you bring, owe ya everything,
For the breath you give, you're my cause to live,
For everything under the sun;
I owe you one.

For the love you bring, owe ya everything,
For the breath you give, you're my cause to live,
For the love you bring, owe ya everything,
For the breath you give, you're my cause to live,
For everything under the sun;
I owe you one.

I think the song is about showing appreciation to God and everything He has blessed us with. I'm still working on my relationship with Christ, but I do know that God is amazing and it's always nice to sit back every so often and think about how fortunate I am because of Him. :)

I don't just owe him one... I owe him everything. <3

30 Days, 30 Blogs.

So I'm bringing this bandwagon over from Facebook, but I probably won't be keeping up with it every day, seeing as I haven't quite hit summer freedom! yet. It looks pretty fun though, and since like 4 of my friends are already a few days into it, I wanted to get into it sooner rather than later before this little trend disappears :P


Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I'd elaborate, but I shan't for need of sleep (and I haven't even made sense of all my thoughts yet):

- I need to prioritize my life. Right now (and as it's been most of my life), school comes first. Other people. Material things. Where should my focus be? Jesus.

- School may not have made me as smart as other people (and I) have thought. I can tell you what's in the books, but is that going to help me live life in the "real world"?

- Streeesssss. One little paper, and I'm crumbling. Always so much to do, taking up so much of what is not enough time.

"I throw up my hands,
'Oh, the impossibilities..'
Frustrated and tired,
Where do I go from here?
Now I'm searching for the confidence I've lost so willingly;
Overcoming these obstacles is overcoming my fear.."
- Relient K "For the Moments I Feel Faint"