Monday, February 01, 2010

Bring it on, 2010.

So I know I hardly ever blog, but I'm kind of hoping that this year might see an increase in that. 2010 is going to be a big year for me; I keep thinking and thinking about it, but I still don't think all of it has completely set in. I make my lists and I keep looking to the future, and I wait in eager anticipation, but that's all it is right now: a list. Would you like to see my list? I'm pretty proud of it. :)

Biggies in 2010:
  • Upon completion of the Spring 2010 semester, I will have completed both my math major and econ minor.
  • This may very well be my last semester working at the Campus Store. As much as I love working there, I'm going to have to say goodbye eventually, and I think/hope that it will be this summer, because I'm hoping to get a job/internship on base that'll lead to a full-time job post-graduation.
  • In June, I turn 21 years old! Yikes! Is it weird that I still feel 18, like it hasn't been nearly 3 years since I finished high school? Crazy.
  • Come this fall, I will be going to Italy. That's right, ITALY! At least that's the plan. Considering that I'll be done with both my major and minor after this sem, all that's left is to take a bunch of electives to get the remaining required credit hours. So I figured, hey, why not do it abroad? :D
  • Once I finish up that semester, I'll be done. Done with college! I'm wrapping up my college experience with a once-in-a-lifetime educational escapade in Europe! How do you like that alliteration? :P I'll have my Bachelor's degree, having finished up one semester early. Awesome!
So that's my list. It's not quite as long as I thought, but they're all kind of big stuff that intertwine and.. yeahh, it's just all pretty big stuff. :D

What happens after everything on that list has been checked off? I'm not quite sure yet, that part has me feeling kind of anxious. Hopefully I'll have a full-time job in line, that oughta get me started getting out into the "real world". I'll probably still stay at home for a while, although it would be pretty cool to get my own place.. all depends on the job situation, I reckon.

Regardless of my anxiousness towards getting out into the "real world" and really starting my own life, I'm so completely stoked to get this year going. This semester so far has been a drag, I'm just ready for it to be summer and get the balls rolling and move on to more exciting things! Like ITALY! I can't express enough how excited I am for that. Little anxioiusness in regards to that too, but mostly excitement right now. I have so many friends this semester that are studying abroad, so I'm living vicariously through them until it's my turn. I can't wait! That's kind of why I'm looking to blog more this year, I def want to keep an updated blog when I'm abroad so I can let my friends & family back here know how I'm doing. :) (and then they can live vicariously through me! ;P)

Also, summer is very much awaited b/c I am so, so tired of the cold D: I want to wear cute outfits that don't require layers and layers upon layers. I want to get more sundresses and be all cute in the summertime, haha. And, of course, I am already very much tired of the homework of this semester, there's very little excitement in them, so it just makes my waiting process feel even longer. :(

We had a snow day here in St. Mary's though, the college actually closed for the day, so no classes, so one more day of laziness. So the cold was good for that one thing, but not much else. I haven't left the house since Friday, the amount of snow out there is ridiculous and I rather like the warmth of my blankets upon blankets inside :)

Seeing as I've just started rambling here now, I think I'll just end with a couple pictures of the crazy snow that we got this weekend (second winter storm in the county! Unusual for us, but kind of cool I guess).

As I said.. crazy!

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