Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 19 — A talent of yours

(I like how this 30 Day thing is going to take me like 3 months total by the time I'm done... :P)

Hmm, a talent, eh? I wouldn't really call myself talented, to be honest. I sing, I used to play the piano, I used to draw, but not so much anymore. I've never been amazing at singing or playing the piano, although I do enjoy both. I was pretty good at drawing, especially at copying a picture, particularly cartoon characters and animals. I think I was pretty good at shading and blending with colored pencils, but I don't really do that anymore; I used to just do them for art projects for class and such. I like to think I have somewhat of an eye for photographic shots, but I don't really utilize this "talent" if it is one, especially since I don't know all the fancy skills and attributes used in photography (ISO, shutter speed, aperture.. yeahh, I don't really know what any of those are or how they affect the photo being taken).. I do think it'd be a pretty cool hobby to pick up though, several of my friends took Photography in high school and they enjoy it as well.

Soo, in summary, I guess I'd consider myself fairly artsy, but only if I've got a project to work on. It's not a hobby of mine to draw or take pictures or anything, although that would be nice.. I guess I'm just lazy or have other things to do with my time :)

To end, though, here's an example of what I used to do with colored pencils if you wanna check that out: [Link]

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