Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 19 — A talent of yours

(I like how this 30 Day thing is going to take me like 3 months total by the time I'm done... :P)

Hmm, a talent, eh? I wouldn't really call myself talented, to be honest. I sing, I used to play the piano, I used to draw, but not so much anymore. I've never been amazing at singing or playing the piano, although I do enjoy both. I was pretty good at drawing, especially at copying a picture, particularly cartoon characters and animals. I think I was pretty good at shading and blending with colored pencils, but I don't really do that anymore; I used to just do them for art projects for class and such. I like to think I have somewhat of an eye for photographic shots, but I don't really utilize this "talent" if it is one, especially since I don't know all the fancy skills and attributes used in photography (ISO, shutter speed, aperture.. yeahh, I don't really know what any of those are or how they affect the photo being taken).. I do think it'd be a pretty cool hobby to pick up though, several of my friends took Photography in high school and they enjoy it as well.

Soo, in summary, I guess I'd consider myself fairly artsy, but only if I've got a project to work on. It's not a hobby of mine to draw or take pictures or anything, although that would be nice.. I guess I'm just lazy or have other things to do with my time :)

To end, though, here's an example of what I used to do with colored pencils if you wanna check that out: [Link]

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Today feels like it's going to be a good day :)

To start, I woke up this morning at 820am (fairly early for me, not "sleeping the day away," as my boyfriend would put it, haha) and decided to finish up the book I've been reading: The Wedding, by Nicholas Sparks. It's a follow-up to The Notebook, and while I can't say I found The Notebook to be completely memorable (probably because I watched the movie before I read the book), I will admit that I've fallen in love with The Wedding, and I consider it one of my faves from Nicholas Sparks, with the other being The Guardian.

It's such a charming and cute story. It's about a couple who is coming up on their 30th wedding anniversary; It's written from the POV of the husband, who has been kind of neglectful during their life together, putting his career first and leaving the child-rearing responsibilities to his wife. Now their children have all moved out, but they are still stuck in the same groove, just living their lives together but separate, each having their own individual routine. The story follows their 30th year together, with Wilson (the hubby) trying to find ways for them to reconnect again.

It had me laughing out loud at some parts, and tearing up a little on others. The characters are lovable and totally relatable to and I think the situation the couple found themselves in is completely realistic, which is why I think I adored this book so much :)

So now I'm kind of on a lovey dovey high and just in a jolly giddy mood, and I hope it lasts for the rest of the day :) I'm thinking it's going to be a pretty chill day. It's Saturday morning, my family is gone prepping for the Fil-Am Fiesta they'll all be going to later. Later this evening I'll be hanging with my best bud Kirsten, and then we're going to join our other best buds, the lovely LC ladies, at Samm's for some night swimming (hopefully it won't rain!) and some good ol' hangout time. :) In the meantime, I am just hanging out at home. I'm thinking I'll watch a little bit of Supernatural after I post this blog, and then I really ought to get some packing done.

My family's taking a 3 1/2 week trip to the PI, and we're leaving later this coming week. I'm kind of excited about it, kind of complacent about it, too. It'll surely be nice to see our family there again, considering it's been about 5 years since I last visited. 3 1/2 weeks is a long time though... I'm kind of treating this as packing practice for when I go to Italy, haha. A little transition from living out of a suitcase for 3 1/2 weeks to about 3 1/2 months in the fall, I guess, haha.  But yeahh, hopefully it'll be an enjoyable trip :)

It's pretty crazy to think that it's already mid-June. By the time I get back from the PI, the summer will already be half-over! This summer has definitely been busier than I anticipated it would be.. in a good way, I guess. It's certainly been a lazy summer, what with me working only 3 days a week, but surprisingly, my free time has still been pretty ocupado. I imagined that I would have a ton of time this summer to just chill and do absolutely nothing in particular, just chill at home and read or watch my shows and movies and such, basically just have some me time, y'know? While I have def gotten to do more reading and vegging in front of the TV or computer in the past month, it still seems that even during my free time there's always things that need to be done. I haven't really gotten to do more exercising, like running or doing crunches, little stuff like that on a regular basis.. although Frisbee still keeps me pretty active :) I also haven't really gotten to try my hand at experimenting with cooking like I wanted to.. hopefully maybe in the last couple months of summer? :)

So yeah.. even though I haven't gotten to veg out as much as I imagined I would, I'd def say this summer has been going great. I've gotten to see my best friends a little more often and I think I'm loosening up quite a bit more from the rigor of the semester so my life is feeling quite a bit more laid-back, which is definitely nice.

To recap on some recent events, last week I celebrated my 21st birthday, so there was quite a bit going on then :)

Wednesday: I turned 21! Fields & I went to the MVA to get my new grown-up horizontal full driver's license, and then we headed up to DC to catch Shear Madness at the Kennedy Center, which was pretty entertaining.
Thursday: We had lunch with Fields' gramma and dad, and then later in the afternoon headed up to Potomac Mills to meet up with Kirsten and her friend who has in town. The mall was kind of a bummer, I typically am able to find a lot of stuff I like to buy, but a lot of the stores were closed down for new stores opening up, and all I found was a pair of sneakers (which I do really like and am glad I got, don't get me wrong, haha). Even so, it was worth driving up just to get to hang out with them for the evening :)
Friday: My parents treated us to a dinner cruise on The Odyssey in DC. It was pretty cool, I'd say.. nothing amazing, but it was pretty nice and relaxing, and I sure don't mind having a reason to dress up :P
Saturday: My math buddie Katie got married! I got to see Carla, Lydia, and Jessie as well, so it was like a mini-math reunion. It was a beautiful ceremony, Katie looked gorgeous and so happy, and it was great to hangout with everyone for a bit :)
Sunday: My birthday party! It was a pretty small gathering, just the LC ladies and a few others, but I think (I hope) everyone had a good time. We watched Liar, Liar, sang some karaoke and played some DDR (of course ;P), and then wrapped up the evening by watching some of our old videos that we made and reminiscing. Good times :]

I still don't feel any different now that I'm 21. I've tried a couple alcoholic drinks, but so far the experience of it hasn't been very positive, haha. I've decided that if I'm going to drink anything alcoholic, I just want it to taste like juice. Or, I'll just drink juice, to keep things simple, haha. :P

I think that's about all the updates I have for now. Basically, life is good and treating me well :)

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)

I haven't been on DeviantArt in forever, but I went on one day randomly like last week and looked up some Glee fanart, and this was by far like the most adorable thing I've seen. It's my desktop background now.. I love Glee! :D

There's also this fanart of Supernatural.. can you believe that's hand-drawn?? Amazing! I also looove Supernatural (especially Dean! :P). I'm caught up through Season 4 now and the plot is just craaaazy! I love it :P Gonna have to catch up with Season 5 online or something and then maybe I can watch Season 6 (the last one!) when it airs in the fall (well, via Hulu anyway since I'll be abroad.. :P)! :]