Saturday, December 04, 2010

Picture Post: Overlooking Alba

So in the spirit of taking the time to appreciate Alba in my last days here, I decided to go do some exploring & take advantage of this sunny Saturday. After asking Sarah where they had gone hiking with Professor Don Stabile earlier in the semester, I set out to try to find it, and I think I did. I don't know how far down the trail I got, but it was very serene and peaceful, and I got some spectacular views overlooking Alba. Might try going again & getting an earlier start if we get another sunny day in Alba, possibly after we get back from Pisa & Florence. :)

As usual, none of these pictures do God's creations justice, but if you click on them and look at them in more detail, you might get a better idea of how majestic the views are :]

I found this map after going a ways down the street across from the boys' apt. I took the green trail cuz it was closest :)
There were these signs periodically along the trail, & they were really useful :]
Panoramic overlooking Alba - click to view bigger.

Love that you can see the mountains in the distance, and even more mountains further in the back, kind of faint & covered in snow - maybe the Alps?

This is as far down the trail as I got, b/c my nose started bleeding from the dry air unfortunately, so I decided to head back before I ran out of tissues :[

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